Pathways to Life
Pathways to Oxygen-Bearing Molecules in the Interstellar Medium and in Planetary Atmospheres: Cyclopropenone (c-C3H2O) and Propynal (HCCCHO)
Pattern Excitation-Based Processing: The Music of The Brain
Pattern formation in a predator-prey system characterized by a spatial scale of interaction
Pattern formation in a stochastic model of cancer growth
Pattern formation in auxin flux
Pattern formation of a predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response
Pattern Formation of Glioma Cells: Effects of Adhesion
Pattern formation through genetic drift at expanding population fronts
Pattern formation within Escherichia coli: diffusion, membrane attachment, and self-interaction of MinD molecules
Pattern overlapping decomposition by Cumulative Local Cross-Correlation
Pattern-based phylogenetic distance estimation and tree reconstruction
Patterned Extremophiles
Patterns of Nitrogen Fixation and Related Genetic Diversity (nifH) in Microbial Mats and Stromatolites from Different Environments
Patterns of subnet usage reveal distinct scales of regulation in the transcriptional regulatory network of Escherichia coli
Paul Alsberg (1883-1965) et le transfert adaptatif du biologique au technique : un précurseur de la "cultural niche construction" ?
Pavilion Lake Research Project: Understanding the Conditions for Microbialite Growth and Development in Pavilion Lake, Canada
PCA and K-Means decipher genome
PCR-based analysis of microbial communities during the EuroGeoMars campaign at Mars Desert Research Station, Utah
Peculiar symmetry of DNA sequences and evidence suggesting its evolutionary origin in a primeval genetic code