Fibre optical spectroscopy and sensing innovation at innoFSPEC Potsdam
Field Analysis of Microbial Contamination Using Three Molecular Methods in Parallel
Field and Laboratory Studies of Samples from the Bockfjord Volcanic Complex in the 2009 Arctic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition
Field astrobiology research in Moon-Mars analogue environments: instruments and methods
Field Testing the Mars Astrobiology Probe (MAP) Instrument Suite in the Atacama Desert
Field Theory of the RNA Freezing Transition
Filament depolymerization by motor molecules
Filamentous fabrics in low-temperature mineral assemblages: are they fossil biomarkers? Implications for the search for a subsurface fossil record on the early Earth and Mars
Filaments in carbonaceous meteorites: mineral crystals, modern bio-contaminants or indigenous microfossils of trichomic prokaryotes?
Filling the Gaps in the Likely Origin of Prebiotic Homochirality on Earth
Filter Out High Frequency Noise in EEG Data Using The Method of Maximum Entropy
Finding a Second Sample of Life on Earth
Finding an individual's probability of infection in an SIR network is NP-hard
Finding complex balanced and detailed balanced realizations of chemical reaction networks
Finding Complex Biological Relationships in Recent PubMed Articles Using Bio-LDA
Finding large average submatrices in high dimensional data
Finding mesoscopic communities in sparse networks
Finding regulatory modules through large-scale gene-expression data analysis
Finding Sequence Features in Tissue-specific Sequences
Finding the center reliably: robust patterns of developmental gene expression