Faster exact Markovian probability functions for motif occurrences: a DFA-only approach
Faster solutions of the inverse pairwise Ising problem
Fatgraph Models of Proteins
FCS diffusion laws on two-phases lipid membranes : experimental and Monte-carlo simulation determination of domain size
FDG-PET Parametric Imaging by Total Variation Minimization
Feasibility assessment and applications development of a radiobiological dosimeter for space applications, phase 2
Feasibility studies of laser desorption to study surfaces of Jupiter's icy moons
Feathered Dinosaurs
Feature detection using spikes: the greedy approach
Feature selection in simple neurons: how coding depends on spiking dynamics
Features and dimensions: Motion estimation in fly vision
Feedback Medicine: Control Systems Concepts in Personalised, Predictive Medicine and Combinatorial Intervention
Felsic highland crust on Venus suggested by Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data
Female Fertility and Longevity
FeMO: A microbial observatory for the study of neutraphilic iron-oxidizing bacteria and the microbial iron cycle
Femtonewton Forces Can Control Protein-Meditated DNA Looping
Fenton Oxidation of H2O2 under Low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Organics on Mars
Fermentation kinetics including product and substrate inhibitions plus biomass death: a mathematical analysis
FeS/S/FeS2 Redox System and Its Oxidoreductase-like Chemistry in the Iron-Sulfur World
FESEM and micro-IR investigations of extraterrestrial materials