Cretaceous extinctions - Evidence for wildfires and search for meteoritic material
Cretaceous Park? A Commentary on Microbial Paleomics
CRISM scan system
CRISPR Spacer Arrays for Detection of Viral Signatures from Acidic Hot Springs
Criteria for the Emergence and Evolution of Life in the Solar System
Critical Casimir forces in cellular membranes
Critical dynamics in the evolution of stochastic strategies for the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
Critical Issues in Martian Geochemistry Involving Minor and Trace Elements, and the Applicability of Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Critical properties of complex fitness landscapes
Critical Scale-invariance in Healthy Human Heart Rate
Criticality of spreading dynamics in hierarchical cluster networks without inhibition
Critique on Vindication of Panspermia — Falsification of Hoyle-Wickramasinghe Hypothesis?
CRNPRED: Highly Accurate Prediction of One-dimensional Protein Structures by Large-scale Critical Random Networks
Cross-correlated TIRF/AFM shows Self-assembled Synthetic Myosin Filaments are Asymmetric - Implications for Motile Filaments
Cross-Scale Sensitivity Analysis of a Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Model: Linking Molecular Signaling Properties to Cellular Behavior
Cross-species analysis of biological networks by Bayesian alignment
Cross-species analysis traces adaptation of Rubisco towards optimality in a low dimensional landscape
Cross-talk and interference can enhance information capacity of a signaling pathway
Crossed Beams Studies on the Formation of Aromatic Molecules in Extreme Environments
Crowded Charges in Ion Channels