Type III burst sources and electron beam injection
Type III bursts in interplanetary space - Fundamental or harmonic?
Type III Einstein-Yang-Mills solutions
Type III events recorded with high temporal resolution at Osservatorio Astronomico DI Trieste - Description of the instrumentation for the acquisition and reduction of polarimetric data
Type III events, flares and CMEs, in the extremely active period October-November 2003
Type III Metric Radio-Wave Activity Prior to and During Active Region Flaring and CMEs (Invited)
Type III migration in a low viscosity disc
Type III Radio Bursts and Microflares
Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths: Statistics from STEREO/Waves 2007-2010
Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths: STEREO/Waves Observations and Future Prospects for Inner Heliospheric Missions
Type III radio bursts in a fibrous corona
Type III radio bursts in the interplanetary medium - The role of propagation
Type III radio bursts observed by ULYSSES pole to pole, and simultaneously by wind.
Type III Radio Bursts Originating at Shock Fronts
Type III Solar Bursts from Voyager Spacecraft
Type III Solar Radio Bursts Accompanied by Soft X-Radiation in the Absence of Hα Flares
Type III solar radio bursts and the fundamental-harmonic hypothesis
Type III solar radio bursts observed at 169 MHz - Height and relative positions in pairs
Type III solar radioburst profiles and the associated electron energy spectra
Type III-L Solar Radio Bursts and their Associations with Solar Energetic Proton Events