Systematische Unterschiede zwischen den Rektaszensionen des Katalogs Pulkowa 1915.0 und der Kataloge von Auwers, Boss, Pulkowa 1900.0 und Pulkowa 1905.0
Système de métrologie laser pour l'interférométrie stellaire.
Système intégré d'obturation automatique de préhenseurs à attraction pneumatique
Système planétaire inhabituel
Système solaire - observations radio des comètes: l'anisotropie des vitesses du nuage cométaire.
Système solaire: 1. Observations de comètes. 2. Observations de planètes.
Systèmes dynamiques spin-orbite: exploration, intégration, interaction.
Systemic Change in Delaware and Its Use of NASA-Generated Materials
Systemic Proper Motions of the Magellanic Clouds from Astrometry with ACS: II. Second Epoch Images
Systemic Reform of Astronomy Curriculum in the Montgomery County Public Schools
Systems and control software for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
Systems Design of Detector Systems for a Major Chinese Multi-Object Spectroscopic Sky Surveyor
Systems engineering and performance modeling of the Gemini High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectrograph (HRNIRS)
Systems engineering for the conceptual design of the Thirty Meter Telescope
Systems engineering for the Kepler Mission: a search for terrestrial planets
Systems engineering for the preliminary design of the Thirty Meter Telescope
Systems engineering in ground-based astronomy
Systems engineering in practice: can rigour and creativity co-exist?
Systems engineering of the Thirty Meter Telescope through integrated opto-mechanical analysis
Systems engineering on the James Webb Space Telescope